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Decoding the Waggle Dance: Unveiling the Secrets of Honeybee Communication


Hello everyone!
I would like
to introduce you
to the latest research
on the remarkable communication method
of honeybees,
known as
the "waggle dance."
You will surely be astonished
by the sophisticated information transmission system
of these tiny creatures.

1. Astonishing Advances
in Automatic Deciphering Technology

let's talk about
the groundbreaking research
conducted by
the National Agriculture and Food Research Organization (NARO).
They have developed
a technology
to automatically decipher
the "waggle dance"
of Western honeybees.
What does this mean?
  • They record the dance
    inside the hive
    using a regular video camera.
  • The recorded footage
    is automatically extracted
    to identify the dance.
  • The information from the dance
    is deciphered
    to estimate the location
    of the food source.
This technology
allows for
the rapid and efficient identification
of the flowers
that honeybees use.
It is expected
to make significant contributions
to agricultural and ecological research.
This groundbreaking research
was published
in the international journal
in April 2019.
It can be said
that science and technology
have taken a step closer
to understanding the world
of honeybees.

2. Mechanism and Effect
of the Waggle Dance

So, what exactly
are honeybees communicating
through the "waggle dance"?
  • They convey
    the direction and distance
    of the food source
    to their peers.
  • They use
    the vertical walls
    of the hive
    as a reference
    to the ground.
  • They perform the dance
    based on the direction
    of the sun.
  • The frequency and direction
    of the dance
    indicate information
    about the food source.
In other words,
honeybees are using
their bodies
to draw a "map."
It's an extraordinary ability,
isn't it?

3. Understanding the Neural Mechanism

let's touch on
how honeybees "read" this dance
and the neural mechanism
behind it.
  • They identify
    the air vibrations
    generated during the dance.
  • The Johnston's organ
    in their antennae
    detects these vibrations.
  • The detected vibrations
    are processed
    in the brain.
This intricate system
allows honeybees
to perform their foraging activities


The latest research
on the "waggle dance"
of honeybees
reminds us
of the wonders of nature.
The complex communication abilities
of these small insects
and the efforts of scientists
to decipher them
are truly remarkable.
These studies
will greatly contribute
to our understanding
of ecosystems
and the enhancement
of agricultural technology.
Next time
you see honeybees
in your garden or park,
remember their mysterious dance.
You will surely see
the wonders of nature
with new eyes.
by F_chika
作成:2024/08/09 23:23
レベル:上級 (語彙目安:6000〜8000語)


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by F_chika
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