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Mini Bagel Pizzas, Veggie Mac & Cheese, and French Toast Fingers: Easy Recipes for Delicious Snacks


To make
Mini Bagel Pizzas,
start by cutting
the mini bagels
in half
and spreading
tomato sauce
on each half.
top them
with mozzarella cheese
and finely diced vegetables
like bell peppers
and tomatoes.
Bake them
in a toaster oven
until the cheese
is melted.
For Veggie Macaroni & Cheese,
boil the macaroni
and add frozen broccoli
or peas
during the last 1-2 minutes
of cooking.
Once cooked,
drain the water
and mix in
the cheese sauce.
To prepare French Toast Fingers,
soak slices of bread
in a mixture
of beaten eggs,
milk, and cinnamon.
Fry the soaked bread
in a pan
until both sides
are golden brown,
then cut them
into finger-sized pieces
for easy serving.
by F_chika
作成:2024/08/20 22:34
レベル:中上級 (語彙目安:4000〜6000語)


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by F_chika
作成:2024/09/10 10:58
レベル:中級 (語彙目安:2000〜2500語)
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by F_chika
作成:2024/09/10 10:44
レベル:中級 (語彙目安:2000〜2500語)
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by F_chika
作成:2024/09/10 10:42
レベル:中上級 (語彙目安:4000〜6000語)
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by shimojik
作成:2024/09/10 10:26
レベル:上級 (語彙目安:6000〜8000語)
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by F_chika
作成:2024/09/10 10:04
レベル:中上級 (語彙目安:4000〜6000語)
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by F_chika
作成:2024/09/10 10:01
レベル:中上級 (語彙目安:4000〜6000語)
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by F_chika
作成:2024/09/10 09:59
レベル:中上級 (語彙目安:4000〜6000語)
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by F_chika
作成:2024/09/10 09:56
レベル:中上級 (語彙目安:4000〜6000語)
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by F_chika
作成:2024/09/10 09:53
レベル:中上級 (語彙目安:4000〜6000語)
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by F_chika
作成:2024/09/10 09:51
レベル:中上級 (語彙目安:4000〜6000語)