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"Mastering Real-World Physics: The Power of Simulation in Games and Animation"


Physics simulation
is a technology
that replicates
real-world physics
on computers,
incorporating elements
such as mass,
velocity, friction,
and gravity
through mathematical equations
to simulate
the movement of objects.
This technology
is widely used
in game development,
computer-generated animation,
and scientific simulations.
Key components
of physics simulation
include collision detection,
which identifies
when objects touch;
dynamic simulation,
which reproduces
the overall movement
of objects;
rigid body simulation,
which calculates
the motion
of non-deformable objects;
and soft body simulation,
which handles
the movement
of deformable objects.
Examples of physics simulation
in action
include the falling
of objects
due to gravity,
collisions and rebounds,
and changes
in sliding
due to friction.
The software
that performs
these simulations
is known as
a physics engine,
often provided
as middleware libraries
integrated into
game development
and CG production software.
The benefits
of using physics simulation
include the creation
of realistic movements,
reducing the manual effort
required for animation,
and visualizing
complex physical phenomena.
This technology
has become essential
in computer graphics
and game development
for producing
more lifelike
and natural movements.
by F_chika
作成:2024/09/10 08:47
レベル:中上級 (語彙目安:4000〜6000語)


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by F_chika
作成:2024/09/10 10:58
レベル:中級 (語彙目安:2000〜2500語)
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by F_chika
作成:2024/09/10 10:44
レベル:中級 (語彙目安:2000〜2500語)
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by F_chika
作成:2024/09/10 10:42
レベル:中上級 (語彙目安:4000〜6000語)
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by shimojik
作成:2024/09/10 10:26
レベル:上級 (語彙目安:6000〜8000語)
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by F_chika
作成:2024/09/10 10:04
レベル:中上級 (語彙目安:4000〜6000語)
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by F_chika
作成:2024/09/10 10:01
レベル:中上級 (語彙目安:4000〜6000語)
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by F_chika
作成:2024/09/10 09:59
レベル:中上級 (語彙目安:4000〜6000語)
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by F_chika
作成:2024/09/10 09:56
レベル:中上級 (語彙目安:4000〜6000語)
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by F_chika
作成:2024/09/10 09:53
レベル:中上級 (語彙目安:4000〜6000語)
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by F_chika
作成:2024/09/10 09:51
レベル:中上級 (語彙目安:4000〜6000語)