The anime "My Hero Academia" is available on multiple streaming services. While it can be watched on Netflix, there are several other recommended platforms. Here are the details:
Main Streaming Services
- "My Hero Academia" is available for streaming on Netflix.
- Hulu offers unlimited streaming of "My Hero Academia."
- The monthly subscription fee is ¥1,026 (including tax), and over 100,000 titles are available.
d Anime Store
- A 31-day free trial is available, after which the monthly fee is ¥550 (including tax).
- Episodes up to Season 6 and OVA versions are available.
- A 31-day free trial is available, and both the anime and movie versions can be enjoyed.
- 1,200 points are awarded monthly.
- It may be possible to watch for free, but advertisements might be included.
Other Streaming Services
- ABEMA, Lemino, TVer (limited-time free streaming of the latest episodes)
- Amazon Prime Video, Disney+, FOD, TELASA, and others
Recommended Service
d Anime Store is a service specialized in anime, offering a 31-day free trial and a relatively low monthly fee. Additionally, it has a download feature, making it convenient for viewing on the go.
Points to Note
- The availability of streaming services may change over time.
- Some services may take time to stream the latest season.
Use this information to choose the best viewing method for you. By utilizing free trials, you can try multiple services.