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Biden Withdraws: Harris vs. Trump in 2024 Presidential Race



Current Situation

There has been
a significant development
in the upcoming
U.S. presidential election
scheduled for
November 5, 2024.
President Joe Biden,
aged 81,
announced his withdrawal
from the re-election race
on July 21.
As a result,
the Democratic Party
is now in the process
of selecting
a new nominee,
with Vice President Kamala Harris,
aged 59,
emerging as
a strong candidate.

Democratic Party Developments

  • Vice President Harris
    is reported to have secured
    the support of
    the necessary delegates
    for the Democratic nomination.
  • The Democratic Party plans
    to officially nominate
    their candidate
    through an online procedure
    on August 1.
  • Harris has already begun
    her campaign,
    emphasizing policies
    that focus on
    the middle class
    and clearly positioning herself
    against former President Donald Trump.

Republican Party Developments

  • On the Republican side,
    former President Donald Trump,
    aged 78,
    is a leading candidate.
  • Trump has responded
    to Biden's withdrawal
    by reiterating his slogan
    to "Make America Great Again."

Election Process and Features

  1. Primaries and Caucuses:
    These events,
    where each party
    narrows down their nominees,
    will take place sequentially
    starting in mid-January.
  2. Super Tuesday:
    On March 5,
    a large number of states
    will hold their primaries
    and caucuses.
  3. General Election:
    The general election,
    where the public votes,
    will be held
    on November 5.
  4. Electoral College:
    Candidates compete
    to win the 538 electoral votes
    allocated across states,
    with a majority of 270 needed to win.

Key Points of Interest

  1. Issue of Elderly Candidates:
    Biden's withdrawal
    has disrupted the scenario
    of elderly candidates
    running for re-election.
  2. Divided Political Landscape:
    The U.S. political system
    is noted for
    increasing the influence
    of minority groups.
  3. Voting Access:
    There are strategic differences
    between the Republican
    and Democratic parties
    regarding voting methods.
  4. Foreign and Defense Policy:
    Harris's lack of experience
    in foreign and defense policy
    is under scrutiny.
This presidential election
is crucial
not only for the United States
but also for the global community.
The developments
are being closely watched.
作成:2024/08/09 16:31
レベル:上級 (語彙目安:6000〜8000語)


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