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Global Earthquake Impact: Challenges and Measures


Earthquakes and
their impact abroad
are summarized below.

Occurrence and
Damage of Earthquakes

Earthquakes frequently
occur abroad
and can cause
significant damage.
Here are
some major examples:
  1. Chile Earthquake (1960):
    The largest recorded earthquake
    with a magnitude of 9.5
    causing tsunami damage
    along the Pacific coast.
    A tsunami over 3 meters high
    reached the Sanriku coast of Japan,
    killing more than 140 people.
  2. Sumatra Earthquake (2004):
    A massive earthquake
    with a magnitude of 9.0
    resulted in
    over 200,000 deaths
    in countries along the Indian Ocean.
  3. Haiti Earthquake (2010):
    A magnitude 7.0 earthquake
    killed about 310,000 people
    and left 1.5 million homeless.

Problems Caused by Earthquakes

Earthquakes abroad
cause serious problems
such as:
  1. Building Collapse and Human Casualties:
    In developing countries,
    poor building standards
    and construction shortcuts
    often lead to
    "pancake collapse" during earthquakes,
    resulting in many deaths.
  2. Infrastructure Destruction:
    Lifelines such as
    electricity, water, and communication
    are cut off,
    causing major disruptions
    to the lives of the affected people.
  3. Secondary Disasters:
    Earthquakes can trigger
    tsunamis and landslides,
    which can expand the damage.
  4. Social Chaos:
    As seen in the Haiti earthquake,
    government functions can be paralyzed,
    security can deteriorate,
    and looting can occur.
  5. Long-term Impact:
    Earthquakes can have
    long-lasting effects
    such as interruptions in education,
    economic stagnation,
    and psychological trauma.

Measures and Challenges

To reduce earthquake damage,
the following measures
are important:
  1. Earthquake-resistant Buildings:
    Strengthening and enforcing
    building standards,
    especially in developing countries,
  2. Early Warning Systems:
    Building systems to
    quickly respond to
    distant tsunamis
    and other threats
    is crucial.
  3. Promoting Disaster Education:
    Spreading correct knowledge
    and response methods
    for earthquakes and tsunamis
    is needed.
  4. Strengthening International Cooperation:
    Building a rapid support system
    for disaster response
    is required.
  5. Utilizing Digital Technology:
    Using digital technology
    for information sharing
    and damage assessment,
    as seen in Taiwan,
    is effective.
Earthquakes abroad
vary in impact
depending on the country's
socio-economic situation
and geographical characteristics.
Therefore, it is important
to take measures
tailored to each country's situation
and to work together
as an international community
to tackle disaster prevention
and mitigation.
作成:2024/08/09 16:32
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by F_chika
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by F_chika
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by F_chika
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